Norm Goes Medieval

In November, Norm went back to Texas – this time to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Norm had fun on the plane!

Norm plays flight attendant

After settling in, his first trip was to the Ft. Worth Zoo with his roommate and her mom.

Norm got to help hold a big snake!

Next up, Norm visited the Dallas Zoo – Norm loves zoos! – where he had some pretty close encounters with his Texas friends.

Norm with his friend Tawny on her birthday!

Norm’s friend Logan rescues him from an alligator’s jaws!

Finally Norm got to go to Medieval Times with his roommate’s family to celebrate his friend Tawny’s 10th birthday. What a great time! Their knight won the whole joust!

Norm posing with the red knight – the winner!

Norm Becomes a Jet-Setter

Norm is still abroad, but he has an update! Norm went on a trip with a lovely couple to Ireland, Scotland, London, and Paris. You are insanely jealous of Norm, but since one of Norm’s travel companions is practically a professional photographer and both companions are super fun and creative, you know there will be plenty of incredible photos to be shared upon their return.

In the meantime, Norm has a couple of quick shots to share over on his Facebook page. So far, Norm has been to Ireland:

The Cliffs of Moher

And Scotland:

The Fairy Pools on the Isle of Skye

Keep watching Norm’s blog and Facebook for pictures of the next 2 stops: London and Paris! Pip pip, cheerio, mes amis!

Cousin Lloyd Joins the Fun

Some of you may recall that back around Christmas 2012, Norm’s festive 3rd cousin Lloyd moved in.

Lloyd loves the holidays!

For the most part, Lloyd has been content to be a homebody; however, while Norm was in Amsterdam (photos coming soon!), Lloyd got the travel bug. Being a holiday junkie, he chose Easter weekend to make his inaugural jaunt, down to Portland, OR. The weather was beautiful – sunny and warm – and Lloyd had a great time wandering around that quirky city!

Portland loves Lloyd!